Dealing with Your Critics, Without Cowering- or Cursing
Constructive criticism is fine, but some
people are so relentlessly negative that they can suck the joy out of life.
No matter what happy news you might have, they are guaranteed to find the cloud
to fit your silver lining.
Here are 6 strategies I've used to deal with
hypercritical people.
Don’t Take It Personally
It’s a safe bet that it's not you, it's them.
Some people just hug their negativity around them like a security blanket, and
it colors their view of the world. They criticize everything because that suits
them. Watch how they treat other people. It’s almost guaranteed they criticize everybody,
not just you.
Listen to The Message
Is the person obscuring the message? Maybe
your critical colleague or friend is tactless, or bad at expressing themselves
rather than being mean. Try to see past the messenger to understand what is
really being said, otherwise you might miss out on some valuable advice.
Accept the Feedback- With a Grain of Salt
You can decide to take crucial feedback on its
own merits. That is, if it's a source of honest feedback. If you can see past the
blunt delivery, you may be able to find a kernel of truth that can improve the
way you do things.
Deal with Your Discomfort
Criticism never feels good. Try to read your
own discomfort as another source of information about what is being said. Does
the negative feedback trigger a recognition deep within you? Maybe it
subconsciously reminds you of a past event, but maybe there’s a ring of truth
in the criticism. Sit with your discomfort and see what it’s telling you.
5. Protect Youself
If you can’t stand being criticized, when possible, try not to get into situations with people who are likely to criticize
you. Don’t ask for advice or expose yourself to their negativity. They’re not
likely to change.
Don’t share good news if you know they’ll throw cold water on it; don’t seek
their praise if you know you won’t get it.
Stay Out of Their Way
You have a choice about how to deal with
negative people. You can decide not to engage with their negativity, you can
ignore them, or you can just avoid them altogether. If you must have contact
with a negative person at work, for example, be helpful and cordial bur don't try to ingratiate yourself.
Comment below! What are your strategies for dealing with your critics?
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