My favorite "mom hacks" to simplify a crazy-busy life!
5 Mom Life Hacks That I Rely on to Simplify Life We all want to accomplish more and have more free time. With limited time and energy, every trick that can potentially make life easier is worth investigating. There’s more than one way to catch a mouse, as they say! Use a timer. A simple timer can greatly increase your focus and productivity. For example, the next time you need to clean the kitchen, determine how long it should take. Then set a timer for a couple of minutes less than your guess. See if you finish before the time runs out. You’ll be more focused and get more done. I use this also for my kids, a 10 minute clean up timer at the end of the day, for them to clean up their bedrooms and playroom before bedtime. Timers even help at work. When possible, a 10-minute break every hour boost productivity over the other 50 minutes! I like to use the 10 minutes to take a quick walk or stretch, get a drink of water, or deal with personal email. You’l...